Who would be considered a Computer Scientist?
How does a student choose his or her particular focus in Computer Science?
Do misconceptions about Computer Science affect the student's education?
Students have three conceptions about what Computer Science is, which were first derived from interviews and reaffirmed through a 100 student survey. The Theory-view (8%) is that Computer Science is mostly concerned with a theoretical view of computers, where the mathematical basis and understanding is dominant (although there may then exist a related field of Software Engineering). The Programming-view (41%) is that all Computer Science is about programs, where one is either analyzing the basis of or the direct work on programming. The Broad-view (27%) is that Computer Science is a giant umbrella of disciplines where computers are involved. A final 23% of the survey responses were without clear category, which may be due to the limitation of the original interviews. All conceptions view algorithms and data structures as a vital component to Computer Science.
Students use enjoyment of classes as the dominant metric of whether they have an affinity for the area. Ironically, one of the two dominant courses in my undergraduate education (15-213) was offered at 9am, which would commonly be viewed as an unpleasant time. Since students use enjoyment as their metric, students are not particularly affected by their misconceptions about what the course(s) contains.
Clearly then, the enjoyability of a course can then affect the taking of subsequent courses. Which in future work, there may be an exploration of whether course enjoyment effects (like scheduled time) has an effect on enrollment in follow-on courses in subsequent semesters. Furthermore, many students trust the curriculum as providing an adequate preparation for practicing Computer Science, which is to say that they are prepared as long as they satisfy the requirements regardless of any attempt to have a focus in their course selection. Should the curriculum then have unpleasant courses to force students into specializing?
For myself, I am a holder of the Programming-view (perhaps based on being a paid programmer), as I view Computer Science to be centered on programs and the act of programming. The field is directed toward understanding programs and how to program well. Computer Science is informed in part through Mathematics by providing a basis for understanding of algorithms and data structures, of which programs are fundamentally composed. Many fields, like Bio-Informatics, are related and rely on Computer Science, but are not Computer Science.