Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Object-Oriented C (part 2)

In part 1, I outlined the problem with writing a ray tracer in C, particularly how to opaque the presence of different objects.  Since my roommate was a TA, he and I discussed some of the crude ways he feared that he would have to grade.  For example, the intersect calls might be based on switch ... case or an if ... else chain, as follows:

switch (object->type)
    case TRIANGLE: ...
    case SPHERE: ...

While it clearly handles the different object types, it sets up regular patterns of duplicated code.  Once for intersection, then for finding a color, etc.  Each pattern also has to be modified if a new scene object is introduced.  But I wanted something better, particularly I wanted to show that carrying a type field is unnecessary for my design.  I concluded that I could have my scene objects carry their function pointers.  (Note, the following code is still pseudo in nature and is provided for illustration and not compilation purposes).

typedef struct _SCENE_OBJECT {
    float (*Intersect) (pSCENE_OBJECT, Vec3);
    void (*Color) (pSCENE_OBJECT, Vec3 ...);
    pSCENE_OBJECT next;

Then I declare my sphere scene object (and similarly for other scene objects), as follows:

typedef struct _SCENE_OBJECT_SPHERE {
    SCENE_OBJECT generic;

Now, my scene object types have inherited from the base object.  Therefore, the intersection loop from part one now has a single line intersection call:

dist = object->Intersect(object, ray);

This approach still has drawbacks, but it achieves a simple inheritance between structs in C, thereby providing a rudimentary OO capability to a language known for not having one.  In part 3, I look forward to exploring some of the drawbacks, as well as the elusive discussion of how OO intrinsically works in C++ or other languages.

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