Thursday, October 21, 2010

Accessing Structs with Side Effects

In my recent research, I've needed to take certain additional actions when the fields in a data structure are changed.  Since all code involved is my own, my initial approach was to annotate any access with explicit calls.  Obviously, this isn't sustainable in larger projects, but for quick prototyping, it is sufficient.  Let's see a simple example (with pseudo-C as usual):

typedef struct _tree {
    pTree left, right;
    int data;
} Tree, *pTree;

Tree t;
t.left = t.right = NULL;
// Now take action

Since we want to ensure that we take action after every update, get / set routines could be introduced for each field.  Yet, now I have the overhead of calling these routines on every access.  And I still have to trust that all accesses will use the routines (though using another language like C++, I could make the fields private and force access to the routines).

My research is currently using C#, so I have further tools available to me, specifically accessors.  Initially, they seemed to be yet another silly hoop to jump through while writing code.  However, they provide a great tool for my present problem, where modifications to fields need to incur side effects.  Now for a C# snippet:

private Node pLeft;  // Internal storage
public Node left     // Public accessor
    get { return pLeft;}
        if (pLeft == value) return;  // discard redundant stores
        pLeft = value;
        pStack.Push(this); // side effect on update

So my data structure now has implicit side effects from updates (good for the research).  And so any future development doesn't need explicit annotations.  All in all, I was quite pleased with this change (except for spending the time debugging the differences between implicit and explicit detection).

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