Thursday, June 16, 2011

Book Review: Write Great Code Volume 1 (part 3 of 4)

With Parts 1 and Parts 2 behind us, the text can race forward through character sets, present memory usage / layout (like my Pointers on Pointers series), discuss Boolean logic (which I only learned 6? times in college), and settle into CPU architecture, which is chapter 9.  This chapter would roughly serve as a syllabus for my undergraduate and graduate computer architecture classes, whereby the reader is told "Hey, processors are capable of doing this... somehow" and note the class where one can learn "this is how."

In learning about CPU architectures, one of the main points was made 30 pages into the chapter, to quote "The techniques up to this point in this chapter can be treated as if they were transparent to the programmer."  The paragraph continues by stating that programmers can achieve further improvements by knowing the architecture; however, the huge caveat is whether the changes required are "worth it" (c.f., Performance Anti-Patterns).  Nonetheless, there are two things to note.  First, branches can significantly affect processor performance.  Changing their prevalence and particular direction can have benefits.  Second, shorter instructions are usually faster, as they save cache space and therefore memory accesses.

Chapter 10 presents the other half of architecture, the instruction set (ISA).  Let's just say that I've been working off and on with the Intel instruction set for years and I had difficulty with this chapter.  At one level ISAs are simple to explain, and so this chapter did in introduction.  But modern ISAs (e.g., x86) have many complexities that make understanding difficult, as this work took whole pages to print the charts for particular opcode bits.  So I reached the end of the chapter, knowing what the author intended to achieve, but not actually knowing this knowledge.

I had hoped to conclude volume 1 in three parts, but chapter 11 (memory architecture) warrants its own post as it has wrong information.

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