Saturday, March 8, 2014

Conference Attendance SIGCSE 2014 - Day 3

Today the day will be in reverse. We'll start with papers and end with the invited speaker. I have met many attendees and even talked to some of them. Let's start with operating systems and programming languages. With the bonus theme of avoiding using Linux for presentations.

Teaching OS through code review. Unified grading workflow with git, the student submissions are viewed as diffs and the grading is via online code review. Most students preferred this system over past solutions and tools. The system also supported incremental reviews / checkpoints. The GradeBoard tool is built on review board and git.

Virtual graphics card in qemu for teaching device driver design. Graphics is selected such that students would clearly see the results. Providing a device through a virtual machine significantly reduced the difficulties for instructors as well as for students. Minimal time required to restore student "machines" when they break. Most students completed the project versus earlier versions based on kernel intercepts.

A programming language compiler compiler. Earlier versions of the class require teaching scheme before students could implement their interpreter / compiler. Now based on java, the tool plcc processes provided lexical and grammar files, so that students can then interface with the java classes. Plcc only supports LL1 languages. Students implement simple interpreted languages.

And then it was time to network again, i.e. the hallway session. This continues to be an interesting expense for an introvert, yet it is also the exponential networking exercise. After I know more people, then it is more likely that I find a group in which that I know someone and can meet others. I've made progress with knowing the participants in my "field". And having more inspiration for teaching is summer.

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