Friday, April 17, 2015

Repost: Code Quality

xkcd had a great comic today about the code quality of self-taught programmers.  While there are technically trained programmers that write poor quality code, my impression is that this is more common with self-taught programmers as well as programmers who are only taught programming itself.  Basically as part of the technical training, someone learns more than just programming.  They learn about CS theory, data structures, multiple programming languages, and are more often exposed to well written / designed programs.  Learning to program at a high quality is similar to learning a natural language, in that you study grammar and spelling, you read great works of literature and analyze them, and you practice reading / writing / speaking.

Each month I understand better what it takes to be competent in my field and also respect more the idea that curriculum is established by experts for a purpose, whether or not I may like certain topics.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Book Review: Structured Parallel Programming

At SIGCSE this year, I spoke with several publishers about possible textbooks.  Primarily, for ones that would work in the different classes that I might teach.  As well as those that relate to my present research.  In this case, I received a copy of Structured Parallel Programming: Patterns for Efficient Computation from the publisher to review and consider for possible future use in a course.

This work is in three parts: the basics of parallelism and performance, the common patterns in which parallelism is expressed, and example implementations of several algorithms.  The second part is the core of the work.  To show maps, reduce, scatter and gather, stencil, fork-join, and pipeline.  But before we learned those details, we would come to key quotes for all that I do:
You cannot neglect the performance of serial code, hoping to make up the difference with parallelism.
[The] performance of scalar processing is important; if it is slow it can end up dominating performance.
Therefore, parallelism is a method for improving the performance of already efficient code.

With both the common patterns, as well as the example implementations, the authors generally provide the source code for each pattern and implementation using Cilk, TBB, and OpenMP.  This source is not for casual readers.  More involved implementations can stretch for several pages, as the initial implementation and then subsequent refinements are explored.  While it serves well as a reference, it may have worked better to focus on one parallelism approach for each section and therefore give further explanation to the code, especially the language features used.  And thereby retain the pattern itself rather than becoming a practitioners' reference.

The example implementations (the third part) are perhaps the least interesting for the classroom and potentially the most interesting for practitioners.  Clearly, if I was trying to write code similar to one of these problems, I would have an excellent reference and starting point.  However, that is quite rarely the case for myself and I suspect most people as well.

If I was teach a parallel programming course, I might consider using this work (although I still have other, similar textbooks to review); however, were I to do so I would be confining my teaching to the first two parts and may even to just 1 parallel programming paradigm.  Yes, I will admit that the last parallel programming course I took covered a diversity of paradigms (Cilk, vectorization, GPUs, OpenMP, MPI), yet I would have preferred to focus more on what one or two paradigms are capable of rather than just the taste of many.  Parallel programming takes a lot of work to learn and this book is one piece in that effort.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Course Design Series (Post 0 of N): A New Course

This fall I will again be Instructor of Record.  My appointment is to teach CS 4392 - Programming Languages.  This is an unusual situation in that the course has not been taught for over 5 years (last time was Fall 2009).  Effectively, the course will have to be designed afresh.

The first step in course design (following L. Dee Fink and McKeachie's Teaching Tips: Chapter 2) is to write the learning objectives using the course description, along with prerequisites and courses that require this one.  Let's review what we have:

Course Description: none

Undergraduate Semester level CS 2340 (which has the following description)
Object-oriented programming methods for dealing with large programs. Focus on quality processes, effective debugging techniques, and testing to assure a quality product.

Courses depending on this: none

Alright.  Now I will turn to the CS curriculum at Georgia Tech.  Georgia Tech uses a concept they call "threads", which are sets of related courses.  CS 4392 is specifically in the Systems and Architecture thread.  This provides several related courses:

CS 4240 - Compilers, Interpreters, and Program Analyzers
Study of techniques for the design and implementation of compilers, interpreters, and program analyzers, with consideration of the particular characteristics of widely used programming languages.

CS 6241 - Compiler Design
Design and implementation of modern compilers, focusing upon optimization and code generation.

CS 6390 -  Programming Languages
Design, structure, and goals of programming languages. Object-oriented, logic, functional, and traditional languages. Semantic models. Parallel programming languages.

Finally, the ACM has provided guidelines for the CS curriculum.  Not only does this provide possible options for what material I should include, but they have also provided several ACM exemplar courses (c.f., and

To summarize, if my first step is to write the learning objectives, then I am on step 0: write the course description.  In a couple of weeks, I plan on finishing my initial review of potential textbooks as well as the other materials covered above.  That will provide me the groundwork for the description and then objectives.