Monday, March 13, 2017

Book Review: Optimized C++: Proven Techniques for Heightened Performance

I have spent significant time on performance issues and have been in search of a book that can summarize the diversity of issues and techniques well.  I hoped that Optimized C++: Proven Techniques for Heightened Performance would provide some of the guidance I want and
This book is not quite it.  There is good material here, yet I found repeatedly thinking that the author was not aware of the past 10(?) years of changes to the field.  Not an issue of the book was from the early 2000s, but it was published last year.

A key step in improving the performance of programs is measuring it.  There are a variety of techniques for doing so.  Tools based on instrumentation and tools based on sampling profiling.  I find greater value to using the sampling profiling tools (for measuring performance) due to their lower overhead and ability to pinpoint where in a function this cost exists.  Yet the book's focus is limited to gprof-esque approaches.  I tell students that this approach is best with deep call trees, which may be a greater issue for C++ programming specifically.

The author is somewhat dismissive to compiler optimizations and emphasizes that his observed benefit has been particularly limited to function inlining.  There are many more optimizations, and you should care about them.  But again, I wonder if his experience of C++ has been deep call trees that could particularly benefit from inlining.

In a take it or leave it, this work also discourages the use of dynamic libraries.  Yes, they impose a performance penalty, but they also provide valuable functionality.  It all depends on your use case for whether you should statically or dynamically link your code.  Code that is reused by separate executables should be in a dynamic library, as it reduces the memory requirements when running and reduces the effort to patch and update those executables.  Components that are only used by a single executable should be statically linked, unless the components are of significant size such that decoupling can still benefit memory usage and the updating process.

The author related that replacing printf with puts to just print a string has performance advantages, due to printf being a complicated "God function".  The basic point is valid that printf has significant functionality; however, the anecdote should be taken with a grain of salt.  Current compilers will do this optimization (replace printf with puts) automatically.

While most of the work provides small examples, the final chapters on concurrency (?) and memory management do not.  The concurrency chapter reads as a reference book, as it lists the various APIs available and what each does.  It would be better for the book to assume that the readers are familiar with these calls (as the author does with many other topics) and discuss possible optimizations within this scope.

To conclude, the book is not bad, but I also cannot say it is accurate on every point.  Especially with performance, programmers are apt to make prompt design decisions based on "their experience" or "recent publications".  Measure your code's performance.  Only then can you discern which techniques will provide value.

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