Saturday, March 2, 2019

Conference Attendance - SIGCSE 2019 - Day 2.5

Continuing at SIGCSE, here are several more paper talks that I attended on Friday.  Most of the value at SIGCSE comes from the friendly conversations with other attendees.  From 5-11p, I was in the hotel lobby talking with faculty and students.  Discussing research ideas, telling our stories from teaching, and generally renewing friendships within the field.

On the Effect of Question Ordering on Performance and Confidence in Computer Science Examinations
On the exams, students were offered a bonus if they could predict their score by within 10%.  Does the order of questions (easy -> hard, or hard -> easy) have any impact on their estimated or actual performance on an exam.  Students overpredicted by over 10% on the exams.  As a whole, the hard to easy students did worse, but this result was not statistically significant.  A small improvement is gained for women when the exams start with the hardest problem.

I wonder about whether students were biased in their prediction based on the reward.  Ultimately, the authors gave the reward to all students regardless of the quality of their prediction.

The Relationship between Prerequisite Proficiency and Student Performance in an Upper-Division Computing Course
We have prerequisites to ensure that students are prepared for the later course, an upper-level data structures class.  Students started on average with 57% of expected prerequisite knowledge, and will finish the course with an improvement of 8% on this knowledge.  There is a correlation between prerequisite score and their final score.  With several prerequisites, some knowledge concepts has greater correlation than others.  Assembly is a surprising example of a concept that relates.  Students benefit from intervention that addresses these deficiencies early in the term.

Afterward, we discussed that this work did not explore what prerequisite knowledge weakly correlated with student learning.  How might we better understand what prerequisites actually support the learning in a course?  Furthermore, can we better understand the general background of students in the course, such as class standing or general experience?

Visualizing Classic Synchronization Problems
For three classic synchronization problems: dining philosophers, bounded producer-consumer, and readers and writers.  Each one has a window displaying the operations, as well as multiple algorithmic strategies.  With these visualizations, do students learn better and also find them more engaging than reading about the problems in the textbook.  While not statistically significant, the control group exhibited better recall, although the visualization group had higher engagement.  That said, the control group exhibited higher course grades, so the difference in learning may actually be from unrelated factors.

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