Tuesday, April 16, 2013

When whitespace matters

In the process of grading student programming projects, I discovered that whitespace can matter in how C code is compiled.  Some programmers may be aware that strings can be concatenated together:

const char* t = "this string" " is one";

Because the whitespace is ignored.  Furthermore, programmers may encode strings via macros, and replace the instance with the macro:

#define A_STRING " is one"

Now, in the latest version of g++, new C++ support can treat the item following the string literal as either a macro or a user defined literal.  The compiler makes the determination based on whether there is whitespace.

const char* t = "this string"A_STRING; // compiler error
const char* t = "this string" A_STRING; // expected behavior

I like consistent use of whitespace in code for stylistic reasons, but introducing a singular dependency on whitespace is odd for C/C++, in contrast to python that is highly whitespace dependent.

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