Monday, February 6, 2017

Conference Attendance CGO (etc) 2017 - Day 1

I started the conference attendance this time on Saturday, with the LLVM-Performance workshop at which I presented an extension to my dissertation work.  I received some interesting and useful feedback from the other attendees, as well as saw additional possibilities of its usage and collaboration.  Now that it is Monday, it is time to attend some conference talks.  In the evening today, I will be being an advisor and watching one of my students present our work, which we practiced today so it should go great!

Checking Concurrent Data Structures Under the C/C++11 Memory Model
C/C++11 included additional keywords that allow specifying features of the memory model, previously covered.  In order to check data structure implementations, the data structures need to be further annotated so as to further describe valid and invalid executions.  For example, is a queue required to always return an element, or can it fail if an element was recently added?  Using these annotations, the authors were able to find issues and other identifications for the data structures.

Efficient Abortable-locking Protocol for Multi-level NUMA Systems
The impact of NUMA can be significant.  On the largest shared-memory machines, the difference between accessing lock data that is local to an SMT thread versus the farther distance is over 2000x slower.  To avoid this overhead, there is a hierarchy of locks created that mirrors the system's topology.  Each level of the hierarchy acts as a MCS-style queue lock.  How then can these threads abort from their queue?  In a single level, threads mark their status as aborted and are then skipped when handing off the lock.  In the hierarchy, the requirement of waiting on the specific level is passed along to the appropriate thread, as can be determined by using the lower level links.

The implementation was model checked and then run on a HP Superdome with 576 hardware threads.  The results showed that the lock implementation performs best when it respects all 4 levels of the NUMA (and NUCA) hierarchy.

Thread Data Sharing in Cache: Theory and Measurement
In this work, they collected memory access traces using Pin to determine the thread data sharing in parallel programs.  Particularly they worked to show how the different metrics of data sharing can be derived from a single pass of the trace, and is linear in trace size.  The concern is that the trace / analysis approaches are very slow and could potentially skew the results.  And when the results are derived from only one trace, there is additional question about their applicability.

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